Medical Coverage and Costs

You give your best to your job; you deserve the same from your benefits. That’s why we offer three health plans designed to empower you and your family to live life well.

Two consumer-driven health plans (CDHPs) are available to you. Both plans can be paired with a tax-advantaged Health Savings Account (HSA).

One copay plan is available with a flat dollar amount for in-network office visits

Medical Coverage

Copay PlanConsumer Choice 1
Consumer Choice 2
DeductibleEmployee: $800
Family: $1,600

Employee: $1,950
Family: $3,950

Employee: $3,950
Family: $7,950

Annual Out-of-Pocket MaximumEmployee: $3,000
Family: $6,000
Employee: $3,600
Family: $7,250

Employee: $3,950
Family: $7,950

CoinsuranceYou pay 20%,
plan pays 80%
You pay 20%,
plan pays 80%
No coinsurance; Plan pays 100% after deductible is met

Full-Time Monthly Premiums

Copay PlanConsumer Choice 1Consumer Choice 2
Employee Only$143$56$0
Employee + Spouse/ Domestic Partner$344$162$44
Employee + Child(ren)$317$148$38

Part-Time Monthly Premiums

Copay PlanConsumer Choice 1Consumer Choice 2
Employee Only$472.50$385.50$329.50
Employee + Spouse/ Domestic Partner$1,013.50$831.50$713.50
Employee + Child(ren)$940$771$661
Family$1,481.50$1,217.50 $1,046.50