Your vision plan through VSP offers coverage for you and your eligible dependents for eye exams, lenses, frames and contact lenses. VSP will also cover laser vision correction surgery at a discounted fee when you use a participating provider.
The Vision Plan Covers:
Exam—Once every 12 months
Frames—Once every 12 months; – $180 allowance for a wide selection of frames – $200 allowance for featured frame brands – 20% savings on the amount over your allowance – $100 Costco allowance
Eyeglass lenses—Once every 12 months
Contact lenses—Once every 12 months; contact lens benefit is not available in the same year that frames and lenses are purchased; $180 allowance
Laser vision surgery—Discounts available through network providers
Discounts—Available for frames, lenses and contacts if purchased in-network more frequently than the plan allows
Easy Options Feature – participants can choose where their allowance is used (lenses, contacts, etc.) based on their needs